Informations COVID-19

If you are travelling to France from the UK, it is recommended that you take certain steps: 
- Before you leave for France 
- Before you return to the United-Kingdom
- After you return to the United-Kingdom

Travelling from the United-Kingdom to France
For fully vaccinated persons:
Fully vaccinated persons must submit:
     - A sworn statement that they have no symptoms of Covid-19 infection and that they are not aware of having been in contact with a confirmed case of Covid-19 in the 14 days prior to their journey.
     - No testing is required.
For non-vaccinated persons:
Non-vaccinated persons must submit: 
      -The result of a negative PCR or antigen test less than 24 hours old (for those aged 12 years and over) in paper or digital format. The test must be performed in the UK, prior to boarding.  Self-administered tests are not permitted for travel.
      - A sworn statement that they have no symptoms of Covid-19 infection and that they are not aware of having been in contact with a confirmed case of Covid-19 in the 14 days prior to their journey. 
A commitment to undergo the antigenic test or biological examination that may be carried out on arrival in metropolitan France and the islands of Guadeloupe 
       - A commitment on honour to isolate themselves for 7 days once they have arrived in France and/or in THE GUADELOUPE ISLANDS, and then to repeat a second PCR test at the end of this quarantine.

Travelling from France to the United-Kingdom
For vaccinated persons:
There is no “compelling reason” to give to go to and come from the UK.
Since 8 August, fully vaccinated persons are exempt from quarantine on arrival in the UK. Please note that booking the day 2 test is still required.
They will need to present valid proof (digital or paper) from a national or state public health body that they have been vaccinated at least 14 days prior to departure, and must state:
Name and surname
Date of birth
Name of your vaccine
Date of your vaccination for each dose
The country of vaccination and/or of issue of the certificate

For non-vaccinated persons:
Travelling to the UK is subject to the production of a compelling reason.

For more information go to:
Rules for trips from France to the UK:
Visit the UK government website for full information:

Since Monday 2 August, passengers on flights between mainland France and the islands of Guadeloupe (both directions) who do not have a complete vaccination schedule will have to prove, in order to be able to travel, that they have a compelling personal or family reason, an emergency health reason or a professional reason that cannot be deferred.

This principle, already applied between Martinique and the islands of Guadeloupe since 12 July, remains valid from 2 August.


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